The Power of a Professional Headshot and strategically adding in Lifestyle Poses.
Like everything in business, there must be an intentional and thoughtful process behind efforts to maximize desired results.
Let’s dissect the process by summarizing the actions involved leading up to, during, and after hiring a professional photographer to capture your IMAGE.
Leading up to:
It is a waste of money and time if you engage in a photoshoot without truly understanding your ideal client, and how you are going to use the image(s). A photo is an impression; let it be the 1st, or a continuation of building trusted relationship. You need to trigger the 1st emotion of attraction, sight. You need to be authentic to your messaging and brand. Technically, the impression you capture needs to complement your Business Plan, Marketing Plan, and your Unique Value Proposition (Strategic Intent). Until you have completed those necessary pillars, take a “basic” photo, and use that image as a profile placeholder.
Strike a Pose! The days prior to, and during the photoshoot:
Plan out the images and how you are going to use them throughout the year. Integrating this process within your Marketing Plan will have you aligned. Pack your props, such as a favorite mug, and simplify any wardrobe changes. The act of switching a jacket to a sweater, adding a prop, or changing glasses will give versatility to the story captured. Plan 15minutes for each sitting. This allotment will produce 4 themes to complement a once a ¼ “get to know me” annual effort, your mainstream profile picture, and buffer for ad hoc inspiration. Communicate your plan with your photographer. Keep it simple, clear, and effective. My best suggestion is to communicate in bullet points per sitting, complemented with screenshots of pose inspirations found online. Be open minded to any suggestions or revisions they may have. After all, they are the professional. Remember to bring water, a mirror, touch up products, and tissue. Lastly, HAVE FUN!!! This process is powerful when it comes to mindset. You are treating yourself. You are stepping forward with intent to share your story with the world; continually building your brand.
Final edits, and bundling your marketing efforts:
Ask your photographer to send over 1 picture before they head down the path of editing. Confirming the final desired look, tone, and feel is key. While waiting for the final images, use this time to complete your messaging for your outlined 4 annual themes.
For example, mine looks like:
Q1 – Business Planning content (I will use a professional / corporate image)
Q2 – Business Development content (I will use an image of me learning something)
Q3 – Personal Care / Rejuvenation content (I will use a very playful, outdoor image)
Q4 – Inspiration / Motivation content (I will use an image reflecting my “Why”)
Once I have the verbiage and the final images, I upload every piece to my Social Media accounts with the desired scheduling of release for each ¼.
Going back to my 2nd sentence, this intentional and thoughtful process gifts you:
1) Continued alignment with your Business Plan, Marketing Plan, and Strategic Intent
2) Further development of your Brand
3) A worst-case scenario of having 4 well thought out communications for your audience
4) An opportunity to level up your image in the marketplace
5) An inventory of captures to complement ad hoc posts
6) …and finally, a moment of celebration to a business growth benchmark!
Coach Kim
